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Andrina Turenne next up in the Home Routes concert series in Ponoka

Andrina Turenne next up in the Home Routes concert series in Ponoka

Wetaskiwin man charged with drug trafficking, assaulting police officer awaiting bail hearing

Wetaskiwin man charged with drug trafficking, assaulting police officer awaiting bail hearing

Brief updates on court cases in the Wetaskiwin area
Bail denied for Maskwacis resident accused of second degree murder

Bail denied for Maskwacis resident accused of second degree murder

Several local homicide court cases moving forward this month
Superb seasonal fun at the Holly Jolly skating event

Superb seasonal fun at the Holly Jolly skating event

Wolf Creek Public Schools teachers studying up for new Grades 4-6 science curriculum

Wolf Creek Public Schools teachers studying up for new Grades 4-6 science curriculum

Reports received on average class sizes, 2024/25 updated budget
Ponoka rings in New Year's Eve with annual Bull Bash event

Ponoka rings in New Year's Eve with annual Bull Bash event

This year there were 25 contestants in the open and four junior riders
UPDATE: Watermain break repaired

UPDATE: Watermain break repaired

Some properties in Ponoka may be experiencing a water outage due to a watermain break. At about 11:30 a.m. on Jan.
Ponoka Knights of Columbus supports food bank with donation

Ponoka Knights of Columbus supports food bank with donation

Local service club donates $500 to combat food insecurity
Central Alberta house sales ahead of last year's pace

Central Alberta house sales ahead of last year's pace

5,207 residential sales of all kinds through November
PHOTOS: Ponoka Centennial Park light display dazzles again

PHOTOS: Ponoka Centennial Park light display dazzles again

The number of Christmas lights on display at Lions Centennial Park has more than doubled once again